You've arrived at online webshop for Shildon Railway Institute, the worlds first continuous railway institution established by the Stockton & Darlington Railway Company in November 1833.
If you're looking for our main website telling you about our Stute and what's on there, you'll find it here
This is THE PLACE to purchase your Shildon Railway Institute Membership, Goodies and Event Tickets - though if you prefer you can always pop into the Institute itself, at 78 Redworth Road, Shildon, Co Durham DL4 2JJ - we're always happy to see a friendly face.
Profits from membership products, branded tickets and goodies sold through this store all go to help towards the Institute's campaign to continue and to achieve a sustainable renovation of the Institute building which we hope to achieve ahead of the Institute's own bicenetnary in 2033. It may be spent on repairs, funding work or activities to return unused parts of the building back to full use - but rest assured every penny will be invested into making sure the Stute has a long term future.